Unveiling the Past:

The Exciting Opening Meeting of Paleo Experts.

On September 16, the long-awaited day arrived - an exciting day eagerly anticipated by the Paleo experts. What were previously just names on a list transformed into lively individuals, all looking forward to the upcoming project. The participants ranged from 15-year-old students to a 71-year-old retiree, and our call had reached them all. When they finally came together, the usual initial unease and hesitance were notably absent. All participants not only displayed interest in the subject but also in getting to know each other.


I was fascinated by how diverse the expert group was. And am beginning to see a little more clearly what we are hoped to achieve as part of the project. Very exciting! Thank you for the caring preparation and low-threshold entry of the project team!

Martina, Paleo expert

After a comprehensive round of introductions in the seminar room, the Paleo experts, accompanied by me, ventured into the exhibition. I must say, they truly lived up to their name as "Paleo experts." Questions like "How does paleogenetics actually work?" or "Could Neanderthals speak just like us, and if so, how do we know that?" were on their minds. Some of these questions were answered on the spot, while others were deferred to future workshops.


I thought the meeting was great! I got new impressions about Neanderthal research, but also about the motivation and interests of other participants of the project. I found the exchange during the guided tour and at the later get-together great and used the opportunity to get to know the other Paleo experts. I am already looking forward to the second meeting.

Amelia, Paleo expert

Following the tour, participants and researchers enjoyed a convivial gathering in the museum garden, basking in the mild late summer temperatures. There, the Paleo experts once again showed no hesitation in striking up conversations with one another.

With anticipation for the first important workshop, participants bid farewell, and some even inquired about "homework." Naturally, such assignments were already in the works.

As we prepare for the next workshop, the journey through our paleo adventures promises to be an exciting and enlightening one. Join us for the next chapter!


As the community manager of this project, who initially had concerns about whether enough participants would be found, this first day was a resounding success. I couldn't have asked for a better group for this project.

Dustin, Communty Manager